Friday, March 29, 2013

LOL in the Storm...

So...I want to be the calm little center of the storm. However, I can't control the storm and I am not super good at calm. So, instead, I think I will laugh that hysterical/crazy high volume, at the storm. LOL. Sure, sure, that will do the trick. I was thinking about what to blog on, in the midst of stormy times...the things that are currently happening or following up on past posts: 1 - Lent is almost over...what have I learned from the last 40 days? 2 - Church shopping is continuing...where should I go next? 3 - Job hunting is ongoing, have an offer on hold, just interviewed at another place too...waiting 4 - Dean, my dear sweet child, is almost potty trained, yay! 5 - lots of other 'stuff'... However, no matter what I think I should write about, this idea keeps coming to mind...I am blessed! No matter how much certain aspects of my life seem overwhelming, I am still forever grateful for the awesomeness of other areas of my life. I have a God that will never leave or forsake me. I have a child that is SO amazing that it makes me cry just thinking about how awesome he is. I get his cuddles, his kisses, his never ending questions and so much more that its impossible to list. I have the best group of family and friends a girl could ever ask for locally and across the country. My loved ones are healthy, I have work, I have a home, and all of my needs are met. I guess its not quite time for another deep post...or a long post...or much of a post. So I will simply share my current affirmation of sorts, LOL...sticking my tongue out at the quagmire of lies and pity parties that try to tempt me and I will continue to reach up higher and out wider for more truth, courage, forgiveness, wisdom, hope, love, opportunity and friendship. Praying for God's guidance and will. If you are in my life you are in my prayers. Until I figure out what in the heck my next post will be on, I wish you a Happy Easter and sweet dreams.